Back to Work Team Building Activities
Start 2019 off with a bang! Shake off those dusty christmas cobwebs and get active. Everyone is back to work, not too reluctantly let’s hope! Christmas break was a great time to rest and catch up with loved ones. Give your team something to look forward to! Arrange some exciting new adventures for your team!
Sports Day!
What better way to kick off 2019 then with a good old fashioned Sports Day! Many people like to start off January on the right foot. They do ‘dry January’ and really get off on a health kick. Therefore, a sports day will appeal to a lot of your team. People want to work off those second and third helpings of turkey! Or simply get the circulation going after a lot of sitting around. Grab some potato sacks and skipping ropes and head to a near by park. Or, why not organise a trip to an Adventure Centre!?
Is it any ones last year?
Figure out if any staff member is heading on maternity leave or retiring this year. Make the year extra special for them. They will be taking time off to enter into the new phase of their life soon. Some may have been with the company for many years! Take time to plan the ultimate retirement party. Pool funds to get them a smashing going away present! Or that trendy crib that your expecting co-worker has their eye on. Events like this bring your team closer and appreciate the time they spend with one another.
New Years Resolutions
Ask your team to write a list of 5 new years resolutions. They can be simple like, ‘switch to decaf!’ or more ambitious like, ‘get a promotion’. Get them all to put there new year resolutions in an envelope and drop them all into a box. Give them back before the end of the year so that they can see what they have achieved! (Or maybe squeeze in the things they forgot!) This team bonding activity is great for building a sense of accomplishment. Your team can choose to share them with one another or keep them privately! Leaving people set their own goals creates a sense of independence.
Looking for more ideas to help your team feel active and refreshed? Check out our list of Outdoor Activities!